WHAT SPINS MY WHEELS: Future skills needed in the workplace - Deloittes paper
HR advice, HR support, Hiring, expert, affordable recruitment, KPIs, Recruitment, Sales, Sales targets, small businessAnna Freeman#smerecruitment #generalmanager #search #headhunting #selection #scoping #consulting #expert #smallbusiness #mediumbusiness, #HRsupport #HRadvice
WHAT SPINS MY WHEELS: Business Advisory Council - keen to support SME productivity & growth - Nov 2018
HR advice, HR support, affordable recruitment, Hiring, Recruitment, KPIs, Job advertisment, Sales targets, search, selection, small businessAnna Freeman#recruitment #resoucingforgrowth #buildingcapablity #humanresources #organisationdesign #hr
Setting successful sales KPIs
Sales, HR support, Recruitment, Sales targets, KPIsAnna FreemanSME, Sales, KPIs, Recruitment, Targets, Induction, On boarding, Recrut, HR support, Human Resources